Caring For Llamas

Llamas are among the easiest livestock to care for. They graze and can require modest amounts of additional feed. A well-bred llama is hardy, tolerates changes in temperature well and has a pleasant disposition toward people and other animals.
To care for a llama consider the following:
Attention & Companionship – Llamas are herd animals and like to live with other animals. Llamas can integrate with other livestock, and can even begin guarding them. Family dogs that are not aggressive toward your llama can suffice for the llama’s companion.
Visiting your llama regularly will keep it friendly. Llamas can be safely fed by hand and are very friendly. They enjoy being scratched and groomed.
Pasture – A llama needs about ¾ acre of land on which to live with much of that providing grazing stock. A full acre with good pasture grasses can support up to three llamas. Llamas are not rough on fixtures like gates and fences and can be contained to their area without heavy fencing.
Paddock – Llamas need a simple shelter to get out of the weather and to keep their bedding dry.
Feeding – In addition to grazing, llamas eat hay and can eat grains and other food, such as pelletized feeds. A llama may eat between 30-50 pounds of hay per week.
Veterinary Care – Well-bred llamas do not have any particular health challenges requiring specialized vet care. Absent injury, most llamas need no more vet care than a working dog.
Cleanup – Llamas are tidy creatures. They will pick a few spots in their territory to leave their manure and urine making cleaning up after your llamas easy. You can collect the manure to be composted, or even sell the manure to gardeners.
When you visit Wegener Farms, please ask about how your particular llama likes to be fed and cared for. We take pride in the quality of our animals and want you to be happy with your llama for years to come.